Earn by giving valuable feedback

Provide feedback and bug reports on the most relevant new products and services you use and would love to get even better

Add transparency, financial motivation and privacy to feedback

Guarded Feedback allows businesses to gather more valuable reports on their products and services, eventually leveraging their community to filter the reports. Furthermore, it streamlines the process of submitting such reports and enables micropayments to the contributors, making them shareholders in the process and thus increasing report quality. All the while prioritizing user privacy and incentivizing meaningful interactions between companies and their users.

This innovation is essential because it addresses the long-standing challenges posed by opaque and unsatisfactory bug reporting systems, which have often left users feeling frustrated and disengaged. In many existing systems, users are uncertain about the fate of their submitted bug reports, with little to no visibility into the process, leading to a lack of trust and satisfaction.

Submitting a Bug report

Users can submit a bug report privately. To protect the corporation from spam, bad user behavior or unusable feedback, the user has to attach a small security deposit to the report.

Protective fee

In order to save the community from being overrun by spam reports, users have to provide a protective fee when submitting that is returned to the user when deemed so by the community. If it's not returned, it can either be burned or shared between the company and the guardians, creating shareholders all throughout the process.

Guardian community

The community can now vote privately on the report being useful or not. If deemed useless or simply false, the security deposit is transferred to the corporation.


The corporation can now adjust their product or service according to the bug report. The submitter is given back the security deposit plus whatever the corporation decided to reward the submitter with off chain, due to KYC & AML. The corporation can decide to publish a statement about the problem.


The Submitter can now claim back his security deposit and reward payment using a ZK proof, being built from a hash of the address and content. In this way, the user can stay anonymous all throughout the process while submitting feedback and receiving payment.
